Multipurpose Bootstrap Templates and WordPress Themes

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Building a website for free with Website Templtes or WordPress Themes

A website is a collection of web pages that will be provided in a website template bundle or WordPress Theme with W3Layouts. If you are a web designer or a web developer, you must be already aware of the three key components required to build web pages. If you are new to this, let us clear the air.

For creating a web page following are the three key components:

  • Hypertext Markup Language – HTML
  • Cascading Style Sheets – CSS
  • JavaScript – JS.

HTML handles all the structure of the document. Basically, the flow of information on your page.

CSS defines the presentation of the structure, How your page looks? so these components are beautifully handled with w3Layouts website templates.

And, JS handles all the interactions. The interactions between your customers and the website. This plays an important role in client requirements.

And, in order to grab the attention of your visitors, you must make every web page as interesting as possible. And, if you are hungry for inspiration, cluelessly roaming around the internet looking for the most perfect design, your search will end here with the most beautiful website templates and WordPress themes.

At W3Layouts, we have HTML website templates and WordPress Themes with a predefined set of required web pages designed specifically for various businesses and professionals.

We have a collection of more than 4000 free website templates using which you can build a business portfolio or an eCommerce website to sell your products online or a landing page for marketing so here are the most attractive eCommerce website templates.

Our website templates and WordPress Themes are launch-ready, and you can even customize them according to your needs using our website builder. Now, your dream website can be possible in just a few minutes with W3Layouts Website Templates and WordPress Theme.

Choose a free website template or WordPress Theme

In today’s high-tech world where there is a device even to measure the number of footsteps, we are not short of devices. And, that’s why your website must successfully run on most of them. At least a desktop, tablet, and mobile if not all. W3Layouts templates are built with responsive web design techniques, So they work across all devices.

As the number of mobile users is increasing at a lightning speed, a mobile-friendly website is a must for your business. There are some important factors to be considered while choosing a website template for mobile,

  • Buttons and clickable areas should be touch-friendly, to give a proper user experience.
  • The size of buttons must be comparable to the ideal fingertip size so that it is easier to operate.
  • The website should be visually attractive. This ensures a number of returning visitors.
  • The user interface must be easy to keep the website bounce rate low.

Considering all these factors, we have handpicked our template sections where we have curated the best of the best free website templates and free bootstrap templates just for you.

How much do a website template cost W3Layouts?

All our HTML templates are free for starter licenses, but prices vary based on different licenses.

What is W3?

World Wide Web is abbreviated as WWW or W3.

What is W3C?

The World Wide Web Consortium or W3C is the main international standards organization, Founded and currently led by Tim Berners-Lee.

The W3C also engages in education and outreach, develops software, and serves as an open forum for discussion about the Web. know more

What is W3L?

We internally call W3Layouts as W3L, Whereas W3Layouts stands for World Wide Web Layouts and W3L is a short form of it.

What is W3Schools?

W3Schools provides a tutorial for web technologies online. Content includes tutorials and references relating to HTMLCSSJavaScriptBootstrapSASS, and others.

W3Layouts provides free HTML and CSS templates, and W3Schools provides tutorials for the web development community. We both are not related to each other.