Subject an Education Category Flat Bootstrap Responsive Web Template
Subject is a clean and modern template for educational purpose website. It is beautifully designed that is an ideal fit for university, college, school, workshop, kindergarten, course hub and any kind of educational institution in order to expand your education business around the world via online and boost your online presence. It is well organized and very easy to customize. This theme template was intended to help you in generating quality leads from online. It has beautiful and unique design that will be best suited for your online web presence. This smartly designed template has pretty awesome features like courses search form, advantages, achievements number counter, testimonial owl carousel slider, newsletter subscribe form, an About page with team or staff members, Services page, Gallery page with image smooth box effect, Typography page, Contact page and very clean, neat, minimalistic and elegance style of design in every detail. Social media icons will help you to promote your site all around the web and grow your following. This elegantly designed Subject template is 100% responsive cross browser template, compatible on all devices, displayed on all screen sizes. It is entirely built in Bootstrap framework, HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery. Make it yours now by using it, downloading it and please share it.
Template Name : Subject an Education Category Flat Bootstrap Responsive Web Template.
License : Life Time Free License Under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. Unlimited Use, you can help & support us (W3Layouts, a Non-Profit) by donations or you should keep link to our website.
Compatible Browsers : Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera etc.
Source Files included : HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif),
JQuery plugins (.js),Fonts (.ttf).
High Resolution : Yes.
Plugins used:
Gallery – Smooth box
Feed back – owlcarousel
Fully Responsive
Easy to Use/Customize
Clear Commented Code
Used Font Awesome icons5
Built with valid HTML5 and CSS3 code
Google web Fonts used
Elegant and Clean
Bootstrap Framework
And more…
Images : Pexels
Tags: Free Responsive Template, free responsive templates download, free responsive mobile templates, free HTML5, CSS3 templates, free fluid responsive themes, single flat Responsive web template, cross-browser compatible web template, best responsive template