Estate Group a Real Estate Category Bootstrap Responsive Web Template


Estate Group a Real Estate Category Bootstrap Responsive Web Template


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If you are in search of a real estate template then Estate group is a perfect choice for you because it is designed for real estate agents and companies to engage visitors and potential clients to access the real estate world or the property marketplace. It can be used for real estate agents, companies, real estate marketplace, coordinate your agents, real estate agencies, directory sites, apartment, condominium, rentals and other similar nature of businesses, sell property, purchase property rent or mortgage property, brokerages, apartment managers, residential & commercial developers, vacation rentals, any agency, agent, corporate, apartment and related websites. It is a nice, clean, elegant, modern, creative, flat and minimalistic template designed 100% responsive cross browser template and can be displayed on all devices compatible on all screen sizes. This versatile and visually elegant marvelously well-crafted template is entirely built in Bootstrap framework, HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery. Make it yours now by using it, downloading it and please don’t forget to share it.
Plugins used:

Banner slider – Superslides
Number increment – Numscroller

Filter Js – Filterizr

Carousel – Owl Carousel

Compatible on all screen sizes
Modern and Elegant Design
Used Font awesome icons and Glyph icons
Google Fonts used
Bootstrap Framework
And more…
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