Food Industry Industrial Category Bootstrap Responsive Web Template
Food industry is an industrial themed multipurpose multipage template. It is specially designed for industrial food business that supplies most of the food consumed by the world population. It can export agricultural and processed food, sea food and more. Many food industries depend almost entirely on local agriculture or fishing. This Food industry is a collection of all activities that facilitate the consumption and supply of food products and services across the world. It comes with beautifully designed home page with banner image slider, industrial services with storage requirements, preserving techniques and materials processing etc., client’s testimonials. An about page with welcome text and industrial management team. Gallery page to display the industrial food with swipe box effect. A contact page that let your customers know how to contact with you. A searchable form in the header section. Grab this food industry and use it for your any type of industrial purpose, it will surely meet your expectations of your online presence. This Food Industry template is 100% responsive cross browser template, compatible on all devices, displayed on all screen sizes. It is entirely built in Bootstrap framework, HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery. Make it yours now by using it, downloading it and please share it.
Template Name : – Food Industry Industrial Category Bootstrap Responsive Web Template
License : – Life Time Free License Under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. Unlimited Use, you can help & support us (W3Layouts, a Non-Profit) by donations or you should keep link to our website.
Compatible Browsers: – Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera etc.
Source Files included: – HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif),
JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
High Resolution: – Yes.
Plugins used:
Client slider – Flexisel
Gallery – Swipe box
Search bar – Codepen
Fully Responsive
Bootstrap v4.0.0-alpha.6
Modern and Elegant Design
Used Font awesome icons
Google Fonts used
Used smooth scrolling
And more…
Tags: Free Responsive Template, free responsive templates download, free responsive mobile templates, free HTML5, CSS3 templates, free fluid responsive themes, single flat Responsive web template, cross-browser compatible web template, best responsive template