Indolence an Industrial category Flat bootstrap Responsive Web Template
premium industrial business Template then Indolence is your perfect choice developed specifically for all types of industry, technique, engineering or machinery businesses, chemical industry, construction company, steel factory, Electrician, Commodity Business, Power, Rail Business, Airplane, Ship Business, Oil & Gas Business, Petroleum website, Plumbing industry and similar websites. It is a professional responsive cross browser industrial site template coded with Bootstrap framework best viewed on all devices compatible on all screen sizes. It is an elegant, modern and creative design layout with very simplistic, minimalistic flat design entirely built in Bootstrap Framework, HTML5, CSS3 and Jquery. Make it yours today by using it, downloading it and please do share it and also don’t forget to share your experience with us.
Template Information
Template Name:Indolence an Industrial category Flat bootstrap Responsive Web Template.
Licence: Life Time Free Licence under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. Unlimited Use, Source files & PSD included, you can help & support us (W3Layouts, a Non-Profit) by donations or you should keep link to our website.
Date Created: Aug 25, 2016.
Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, Opera etc.
High Resolution: Yes.
Layout: Fluid Responsive Layout.
Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif),
JQuery plugins (.js), Photoshop sources (.psd), Fonts (.ttf).
Indolence an Industrial category Flat PSD by PSD Depot’s