Net Banking a Banking Category Flat Bootstrap Responsive Web Template


Net Banking a Banking Category Flat Bootstrap Responsive Web Template

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If you are looking for a banking website theme or any financial business related trading theme then it’s the Net Banking template that is the best choice in store for you for free. It is also a perfect choice website theme for financial advisors, accountants, planners, consulting firms, business consulting, personal loan and credits, credit cards, finance, insurance, Startup, Investment, broker business and Forex trading. The theme has clean, flat and fully responsive designed modern Template for any Finance & Business Corporation with smart, elegant minimalistic style with eye-catching parallax effects. It is entirely built in bootstrap framework, HTML5, CSS3 and Jquery works wonderfully on any devices of all sizes. You can cherish it, download it, use and please don’t forget to share it!

Template Name : – Net Banking a Banking Category Flat Bootstrap responsive Website Template.
License : –  Life Time Free License Under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. Unlimited Use, you can help & support us (W3Layouts, a Non-Profit) by donations or you should keep link to our website.
Date Created : – 21-September-2016.
Compatible Browsers: – Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera etc.
Source Files included: – HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif),
JQuery plugins (.js),Fonts (.ttf).
High Resolution: Yes.
Plugins used:

Banner slider – Responsive Slider

Client slider – Owl Carousel

3 Parallax background – Parallax

Fully Responsive
Modern and Elegant Design
Used Font awesome icons and Glyph icons
Google Fonts used
Bootstrap Framework
Parallax Background
Smooth Scrolling
And more…


Tags: Free Responsive Template, free responsive templates download, free responsive mobile templates, free HTML5, CSS3 templates, free fluid responsive themes, single flat Responsive web template, cross-browser compatible web template, best responsive template