Shipment Transport Category Bootstrap Responsive Web Template.


Shipment Transport Category Bootstrap Responsive Web Template


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Shipment is a professionally designed theme for the websites of Transport, Cargo and Logistics Sector. It is built and suitable for any business operating in the Transport & Logistics segment including Courier, Shipping, Freight, Warehouse, Storage, Trucking and Packaging services and other related businesses. By using this Shipment template, you can easily create a modern website and start promoting your services. It penetrates your customers’ minds and ensures the fulfillment of their needs. It will be of great help to you when you will decide that your logistics and Transport Company needs a website. This smartly designed template has pretty awesome features like banner minimal slider, sign in and register bootstrap modals, eye-catching hover effects, gallery with pretty photo effect, pricing bootstrap tabs, testimonials owl carousel slider, newsletter subscribe form, multiple social media icons, about page, services page, pricing page, single page, contact page and clean, sleek, minimalistic and elegance style of design in every detail. Grab this professionally designed Shipment theme template and using it for your business websites will be great option to make your transport and logistics business high. This elegantly designed Shipment template is 100% responsive cross browser template, compatible on all devices, displayed on all screen sizes. It is entirely built in Bootstrap framework, HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery. Make it yours now by using it, downloading it and please share it.


Template Name      : – Shipment Transport Category Bootstrap Responsive Web Template.

License                      : –      Life Time Free License Under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. Unlimited Use, you can help & support us (W3Layouts, a Non-Profit) by donations or you should keep link to our website.

Compatible Browsers: – Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera etc.

Source Files included: – HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/.png/.gif),

JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).

High Resolution: Yes.

 Plugins used:

Banner Slider –Minimal Slider 

Gallery – Light box js

Clients – Bootstrap Carousel

Pricing plans – Responsive tabs

Features: Bootstrap V4.0.0 Framework


100% Responsive with Minimal Slider

Icons based on Font Awesome 5.6.0

Google Fonts used

Simple & Easy to Use/Customize

Clean and Professional designUsed

Bootstrap responsive tabs

Used Bootstrap progress bars Google Map Used

And much more…


