Visitors an Admin Panel Bootstrap Responsive Web Template


Visitors an Admin Panel Bootstrap Responsive Web Template




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The Visitors Admin panel is a unique and elegantly designed admin panel, the best choice for all your multipurpose admin use. This creatively designed admin panel has awesome features like animated navigation bar, statistical wave graph, calendar widget, notification area for messages, timely statistics for different types of graphs like wave graph for monthly statistics, bar graph for daily statistics, line graph for yearly statistics, notification icons at the top of the admin panel, typography page, bootstrap glyph icons page, bootstrap grids page, font awesome icons page, tables display pages, form elements page, form validation page, uploading drop zone page, mail inbox page, compose mail page, different types of elegantly designed graphs page, flow charts page, google maps page, vector maps page, gallery page with lightbox effect, 404 error page, registration page, login page and much more. This smartly designed admin panel template is a 100% responsive cross browser template, compatible on all devices, displayed on all screen sizes. It is entirely built in the Bootstrap framework, HTML5, CSS3, and JQuery. Make it yours now by using it, downloading it and please share it.


Template Name: – Visitors an Admin Panel Bootstrap Responsive Web Template
License: –  Life Time Free License Under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. Unlimited Use, you can help & support us (W3Layouts, a Non-Profit) by donations or you should keep a link to our website.
Compatible Browsers: – Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
Source Files included: – HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif),
JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
High Resolution: Yes.

Plugins used:

Calendar – calendar

Gallery lightbox – lightbox

Accordion – dcjqaccordion

Scroll – slim scroll

Nice scroll – nice scroll

Charts – Raphael min js

Charts – morris js

Maps – vector map

Drop zone – file upload js


Fully Responsive
Modern and Elegant Design
Used Font awesome icons and Glyph icons
Google Fonts used
Bootstrap Framework
Used Smooth scrolling
Google maps
Vector maps
Slim scroll
Nice scroll
And more…



Tags: Free Responsive Template, free responsive templates download, free responsive mobile templates, free HTML5, CSS3 templates, free fluid responsive themes, single flat Responsive web template, cross-browser compatible web template, best responsive template