For bloggers who manage self-help, awareness, mental health-related blogs, we have come up with this serene 404-page template TRACK.
Its background image, a railway track and a man standing on it, gives an introspective feel to the page. The darkness of the page complements the white font text.
Subscribe Button
Most of the time the visitors arriving at 404 pages are new who mistakenly encounter a broken link. Obviously, if you don’t guide them, they will go away. With a subscribe button you provide them an option to try your newsletter or product updates. A form pops up on clicking the button where the visitors can enter their email id.
Back to Home Button
This is another option you can offer your visitors who get lost navigating. Just one click on the ‘Back to Home’ button and they are back on your website starting afresh.
Other Features
- 404 – the page is broken
- Mobile-Friendly Web Design
- Font Awesome Icons
- Popup Subscribe Form
- Easy to Customize
- Editor Ready
This 404 error page template comes in the starter, liberty, and extended versions. Download any one of them and install this page on your website!
Please keep the backlink to, if you are downloading the template for free. If you are using the website template for commercial purpose consider buying a Liberty License.
Design by <a href=""></a>
Template Information:
- Template Name: Track Error Page a Responsive Web Element.
- License: Starter License and Liberty License.
- Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
- Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
- High Resolution: Yes.
Images by Unsplash