Industries WordPress Theme


Industries a WordPress theme for industrial business to create website for free

Industries a WordPress theme for industrial business is a quick and simple multipurpose WordPress theme. It has inclinations for visual features and creative concepts with a professional touch where you can create a free website for your customers and yourself. You can extend features according to needs. Industries comes with a simplified panel great for quick response and easy set ups. It uses tons of pre-built shortcodes so you can notice the increase in its speed. You will find adaptable to all screens and browsers, and thus mobile friendly. Industries is trend with this simple, clean and flexible WordPress theme. It has a clean code and lots of advanced options. Widget areas and several posting columns to customize are also available. Industries uses a one-click import demo that makes installing the easiest thing. You will find lots of comfort in layout with many pre-built options for practical people. Industries has full-width slider for awesome galleries. It also features HTML5 and CSS3 bootstrap 5 files that aid into making customizable to create website for free. You can use tons of documentation and you can start right away and make a website free!  


Industries is a customizable and delightful WordPress theme that simply exceeds all expectations. It is designed specially for all types of modern industry, Manufacturing, oil industry, metallurgy, Factories, and Plants. Each page is fully responsive and retina-ready, making your creation look good on any device.

Industries WordPress theme comes with ready-to-use demo content. With one click import, you can get your website ready in minutes. Tons of specific, incredibly convenient shortcodes are readily available to create website for free with our free website builder in the form of a WordPress customizer

This theme is very robust and has a free website builder(WordPress customizer) where you can build a website for free. An incredible website customization platform that seamlessly lets webmasters novice and expert alike mindfully customize every nook and cranny of their websites that requires no coding knowledge. It’s potentially one of the most impressive WordPress themes on the internet, so give it a try.


Home Page:

Home Pages comes with On scroll Fixed navigation, a search form, a beautifully crafted Hero Header with the content and curved image, Service grids section with background fixed image, a stats number counter, a play icon that popups the video with a click (you can add a video of your choice), responsive Owl carousel slider to showcase the client’s reviews, beautiful blog section and an attractive dark footer with social media icons and a newsletter subscription form.

  • Search form: One way of making your website interactive is the search form. When your site is packed with content and navigating to specific information is almost impossible, the search form comes to the rescue. Users can quickly find useful information with the search form. Once they enter a keyword, a list of results will appear on the page within seconds.
  • Statistics: Numbers are the best ways to impress first-time visitors. And what can be better if these numbers become a part of your website design? Present on the home page, the statistics section is supported by a block of content.
  • Blog posts: The simplest blog post layouts are usually the most attractive. This shows a featured image for every blog post along with the post author, date, title, and a ‘Read More’ button to take you to the single blog page. Easily readable and eye-pleasing font style gives a relaxing experience to the readers.
  • Testimonials: Testimonials have become the new quantifying parameters for the quality of services. By adding testimonials, you can get rid of case studies that are rarely read. Encourage your visitors to write down their experiences about your services and display them in the testimonial section. The cards have enough space to write a decent review, along with the picture and name of the customer.
  • Newsletter: Made your users to subscribe your website to get daily updates. It can be a user update, business views, New launch updates, etc.
  • Social Media Icons: Social media has become so ingrained in our daily lives that most social media icons are instantly recognizable. Most people also know what would happen if they click on those icons when they see them on a website. Social media icons make it easier for people to find your business on social media, helping you connect with your customers and increase your following.


About Page:

There is also plenty of space to feature what your business has to offer as well as the ability to showcase Team members, Testimonials, About your industry and experience, and stylish feature grids.

  • Team section: The team section is perfect for showcasing the people who work behind the scenes. The team member information has their picture, name along with social media icons

Blog Page:

If you want to increase visitors to your website, search engine rankings, and the number of leads you get from your website then, blogging is important for your business. With a blog, you can lend your voice to your brand and drive more customers to your website. The blog posts on the blog page show a featured image along with the post author, date, and title.

Five benefits to starting a blog for your business
  1. Improve your website’s SEO ranking
  2. Attract new customers
  3. Get staying power
  4. Show off your industry knowledge
  5. Increase your email list

Contact Page:

A contact page is a common web page on a website for visitors to contact the organization. And a contact form is actually vital if you want to grow your business. A website’s contact page plays an important role in turning visitors into customers.

Features :

  • One-Click Demo Importer
  • 100% Fully Responsive and retina ready design
  • Light and Dark mode
  • Bootstrap 4 Framework
  • Highly Customizable
  • No coding knowledge required
  • Elements Page Included (Shortcodes)
  • Minimal and Clean Layout
  • On scroll Fixed Header
  • Responsive Owl Carousel slider
  • Left and right sidebar option
  • Working Contact Form
  • Cross-Browser Support
  • Google Fonts
  • Demo File Included (XML)
  • And Much More!

  Many of the large-scale industries may not be aware of online promotions or share their work. There must be a good online platform to provide information to the clients. So Industries WordPress Theme is the best choice for industrial-purpose website building. Industrious is a flat-looking professional industrial WordPress Theme made with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap with an attractive banner shape and waves at the background that makes it more attractive. Why late get this amazing WordPress Theme to build your industrial category website where you can share your work details and the projects you have done. And also you can add a videograph to the section provided on the home page.

Dark Theme WordPress Theme

Don’t worry we provide a dark mode feature with each and every WordPress Theme that implies a great premium feature. so by just clicking on the top right toggle will change your entire templates theme into dark mode. interesting right? why late grab our Industries an industrial website template.

Theme Details:

  • Theme Name: Industries an Industrial Category WordPress Theme.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: PHP files (.php), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf), XML(.xml).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

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