Foodie Blog a Food Blogging Website Template
Foodie Blog is a simplistic design for building a blogging website that makes a professional-looking blog view for food bloggers. Do you write amazing blogs? To make it more amazing you must have an amazing-looking blog website template, Foodie Blog a Food Blogging Website Template is fully suitable for food blogging with its enhanced design you can attract more traffic.
Blogging Website Templates Free
Want a blogging website for your fresh blogs and it’s your first blogging trail? This Foodie Blog a Food Blogging Website Template will provide you with a free version of the blogging website template with a limited number of pages and they should provide backlinks. so, grab this Foodie a Blogging Website Template.
Website Templates with Blog
A Website template with a Blog Page is a special package on every template that was newly launched in our w3layouts collections but this time we are here with an amazing deal. Foodie is especially a full-fledged Blogging category website template with multiple blogging-related pages.
Bootstrap Framework
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile-first projects on the web with the latest bootstrap 5. You can create a great website layout based on Bootstrap with the help of bootstrap CSS. It has a very clean, crisp, and simple design that can easily be adapted and used for a variety of similar niche websites. also, bootstrap in angular plays an important role.
Dark Theme Website Templates
Dark mode has gained a lot of traction recently like dark mode Facebook, dark mode google chrome, dark mode extension chrome, dark mode windows 10, etc. so, we have implemented almost all the templates to have complete flexibility of dark mode. The first visit of the user is made with a light theme environment and then if they wish to change their theme to dark mode by just one click, we have made it simple, our themes are predesigned with dark mode which make the eyes relax from brighter screens.
Responsive Web Design
The pages are fully designed with responsive buttons, text, images, etc. which looks pretty cool with almost all windows and devices. Not only the elements present in the website template but also responsive display ads which you were placed on your site. All our templates are responsive for mobile with responsive email templates with a responsive HTML table. So, you won’t need to worry about the look of your website on different sizes of screens and build a website for free.
Pages and their uses of Seog WordPress Theme
The pages available in Seog a corporate category WordPress Theme are mentioned below. Have a look at the unique features of some pages present in this template.
Foodie Blog Home Page
Foodie Blog Banner: Foodie Blog Banner is filled with a complete set of top blog news that makes it unique for a blogging website template. The displayed blogs start sliding on the banner that enhances the quality of a blogging site.
Blogs Categories: Here the top categories are displayed with a beautiful grid arrangement like a foodie, guide, cakes, pizzas, healthy drinks, etc. so, it is a must-have categorized blog collection for a blogging website template that users can easily catch their favorite topic.
Video for Tutorials: This is the space for dropping the making process of your favorite foods and the most liked recipes. So, you can have your own video or add some other videos that come under affiliate marketing if you have the best traffic on your blogging website.
Newsletter: Newsletter starts with a beautiful quote ” Discover the most delicious recipe” That brings a smile and interest to subscribe to the foodie blogging website.
Contact Page: The contact page comes with a beautifully enhanced look that displayed a bunch of favorite foods around the world which makes it a unique contact form for a blogging website template.
Key Features:
- 14 Html pages
- Blog website template
- Light and Dark mode switch
- On scroll fixed navigation
- Awesome Design
- 100% Responsive design
- Bootstrap 4 Framework
- Working Contact Form
- Clean and modern layout
- Easy to Customize
- Google web fonts used
- And many more…
Theme Details:
- Theme Name: Foodie Blog a Food Blogging Category WordPress Theme.
- Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
- Source Files included: Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
- High Resolution: Yes.
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