
Fixed Page Error Web Element

Fixed is a 404 error page template that is suitable for the website of agriculture-related businesses. But its serene plain appearance also makes it a good choice for a personal website of creatives.

Plain Background

A 404 page can easily divert your traffic away if you have not designed it smarty. But the plain cream-colored background in this template soothes the visitors and calms their mind before they drift away.

Image Background for 404

The design shatters all the boundaries of a traditional 404 error page with this image background feature. Through the transparent 404, the users get a glimpse of the world which can entice them to click the CTA button. You can replace the image with your chosen one.

Back to Home Button

Take lost visitors back to your website with this CTA button. The rounded-edged button with a text on it is clearly visible against a clean background.

Click the download button and get this 404 error page template for yourself.

Please keep the backlink to, if you are downloading the template for free. If you are using the website template for commercial purpose consider buying a Liberty License.

Design by <a href=""></a>

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Fixed Error Page Responsive Web Element.
  • License: Starter License and Liberty License.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.


Fixed Page Error Web Element

Fixed is a 404 error page template that is suitable for the website of agriculture-related businesses. But its serene plain appearance also makes it a good choice for a personal website of creatives.

Plain Background

A 404 page can easily divert your traffic away if you have not designed it smarty. But the plain cream-colored background in this template soothes the visitors and calms their mind before they drift away.

Image Background for 404

The design shatters all the boundaries of a traditional 404 error page with this image background feature. Through the transparent 404, the users get a glimpse of the world which can entice them to click the CTA button. You can replace the image with your chosen one.

Back to Home Button

Take lost visitors back to your website with this CTA button. The rounded-edged button with a text on it is clearly visible against a clean background.

Click the download button and get this 404 error page template for yourself.

Please keep the backlink to, if you are downloading the template for free. If you are using the website template for commercial purpose consider buying a Liberty License.

Design by <a href=""></a>

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Fixed Error Page Responsive Web Element.
  • License: Starter License and Liberty License.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.


Agreeing Website Template

Agreeing a Corporate Category Premium Website Template

Agreeing is a corporate website template that suits to build business portfolios with flat responsive pages that suit for the commercial purpose. Pages are built with HTML5 and CSS3 which gives elegant look to your corporate website.

This template is multipurpose with a bundle of pages that are enough to pack a premium website template. Agreeing website template comes with a pinkish shade classy web template pages that grab the concentration of the users.

This template is almost compatible with all devices with different screen resolutions. HTML pages are well organized and you won’t face any problem in the responsive pages.

Digital Service

This template provides the horizontal view of the grids with the complete package of digital services that are available in the day to day life of the corporate world.


Build a complete online store for your products using the eCommerce page of this template. The page is composed of all the widgets built into the page. On the left, you will find category lists, price range widgets. Each card displays your product with its price. A click on the card will open a single product page displaying the product details. Sell your products that are related to your corporate business.

Pricing Table

With multiple types of pricing plans, this template gives options to use any of them. Each one has a unique design with hover animation on buttons. You can also highlight the most preferred or recommended plan to the users. The pricing plans have basic, personal, and standard plans that are enough to divide your plans.

Search Result

This template comes with a dedicated search page that can be used to search your inner pages in the most easier way by having a particular keyword that makes components to show in the result. It may help the user to find the exact component.


Use this page specially designed for adding a brief portfolio of an individual team member. You can add a direct button at the end to help your visitor to know about your team.


Use this page specially designed for adding a brief portfolio of an individual team member. You can add a direct button at the end to help your visitor to know about your team.

Be even more transparent by linking their official social media profiles on these pages.

Login Page

Following the same color code as the template, the login form design is minimalistic. It is nothing different than a conventional design with boxes for email id and password. A subtle hover animation on the login button adds attractiveness. You cannot be out of box everywhere. If your customer finds the login process difficult, you may lose it.

Email Template

A single page email template gives a clear idea about your business. The objective of email marketing is to increase your engagement with the audience. And enough CTA buttons placed at right spots assist your visitors. You can also list hot properties with attractive discounts. Basically, the email template is like a miniature of your whole website giving all the information in the crispest way possible.

What We Provide

This page provides the complete view of the template that offers, the pages available and the purpose of being available in the online community. The process being explained in this page can be useful for the people who visited your page.

Pages Available :

  • Home
  • About
  • Services
  • Pricing
  • Single Page
  • Team & Team Single
  • Portfolio
  • Search Result
  • Timeline
  • FAQ
  • Coming Soon
  • 404
  • Login
  • Register
  • Login
  • Blog & Blog Single
  • eCommerce & eCommerce Single
  • eCommerce Cart
  • Contact

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Agreeing a Corporate Category Responsive Web Template.
  • License: Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Pexels


Music Website Template

Music is a premium website template for record labels, concert organizers, recording studios, individual musicians, bands, and everyone who is running a business or career in the music industry.

Dressed in gradient shade strips, the template is full of positive vibes. The arrangement of grids stands apart and compliments the energy of the template. With an informal sort of design smartly fitted within the traditional structure, this premium website template ensures that your website clearly conveys your product information to your visitors uniquely.

Parallax Effect

As you scroll the home page, you find background images on some strips decorated with the parallax effect. This not only makes the website design dynamic but also gives a rich look without any effort. It also prevents the page from being structurally monotonous.

Animated Text at the Banner

The moment visitors will hop on to your website, the animated texted banner will welcome them. You can tell them about your objective in a single line. This is the space to create an impression. The text has only single time typewriter animation after which it stays on the wall. Take the demo to have a look at it.

Vertical Rectangle Grids

Link your blog posts with the vertical rectangle grids on the home page. Your thumbnail image will appear with a clickable title. Grids of two different heights are arranged alternatively. The thumbnails have a hover effect of decolorization.

The premium website template has 24 HTML web pages to build a complete website. With a single download, you get this bundle of pages which reduces your website building effort considerably. All the pages are responsive and are coded with cross-browser compatibility.

Below mentioned are some of the featured pages and sections of this template.

eCommerce Page

Build a complete online store for your products using the eCommerce page of this template. The page is composed of all the widgets built into the page. On the left, you will find category lists, price range widgets. Each card displays your product with its price. A click on the card will open a single product page displaying the product details. You can sell records, magazines, and other merchandise related to the music industry.

Email Template

Use this email template to bring more traffic to your website. The template design facilitates you to add popular artists on your website, popular albums, and more information about your enterprise. It has an apt number of call-to-action buttons and grids to add customer testimonials. Invite them to your social media pages by using the buttons.

Our History

On the about us page, you can write the story of establishing the firm. Instead of writing a long paragraph, the widget allows you to break down the information and add-in inside the tabs. This widget has a table-like format with snippets of information. The visitors can navigate across the tabs to know what happened which year.


One way to have recurrently arriving traffic on your website is to keep your visitors updated with the latest happening in the industry. Find the news section on the home page with the titles of recent news articles. You can also add a scrolling effect with a basic knowledge of coding.

Attractive Service Page

Offer three types of services to your visitors using the option buttons given on the page. Use this page to add the portfolio of your work. With the help of visually communicating icons, speak to your visitors about the features of your services. Win their trust.

Unique Teams Page

It becomes easy for job seekers to access their profiles. Each grid has a card of the individual photographers with a follow button. Each card arranged in the matrix has a display picture, follow button and social media button to check out their profiles.

Time Line Page

The page helps you to show the developmental journey of your studio, company, or business. On a single line, each bullet point has hover animation. It displays the month and year. The text grid below that is sufficient to give information about the event. You can also use this page to showcase the timeline of your ambitious project or campaign.

Coming Soon Page

Make an announcement of the next event, release, or event on this coming soon page. The page has a scenic background image with the time counter ticking every second. The users can subscribe to you by submitting their email id in the box and get a notification once the release date arrives. You can also give early notifications for those who subscribe.

This premium website template is available in two plans. Freedom and Extended.

Both the plans include all the pages but with Freedom, you get a single domain usage while with Extended you can use the template on any multiple domains.

Check every page of the template by going through a demo and buy the right plan.

Have a great time building your website.

Pages Available:

  • Home
  • About
  • Service
  • Gallery
  • Team
  • FAQ
  • Portfolio
  • Timeline
  • 404
  • Coming Soon
  • Search Result

  • Email Template
  • Blog & Blog Details
  • eCommerce & eCommerce Single
  • SignIn & SignUp
  • Contact

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Music a Music Category Responsive Web Template.
  • License: Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Unsplash


Wisdom Website Template

Wisdom is a premium website template for schools, colleges, universities, training classes, online learning platforms, and various other education-related institutions.

Bold fonts are displayed throughout the design giving it a confident look to win over the visitors. Everyone coming to your website will be eager to know the quality of your education services. And the best way you can convince him or she is by showing enough content on your website.

The design of this template has a lot of space to add content and covers the whole screen fully. You can see simple parallax background images as you scroll down the home page. The template also has big cards for showing popular courses and testimonials. These types of widgets are useful for an eLearning platform.

CSS Banner Slider

The banner has buttons to change the slides manually and each slide has a call to action. The sliding becomes dynamic due to smooth spring animations. With a punchy text you can entice the visitor to jump to any specific page on the website. Does any new discount offer to launch? This is the place to do it.

Language Select Box

At the bottom of the footer, you will find a language selection box. This widget is useful for those who offer education services internationally. This helpful widget allows visitors to choose a language for the whole website.

This premium website template for school has 21 glossy looking HTML pages having uniformity in design. The advantage of our premium website templates is that you don’t need to download individual pages and customize them to suit your website. A single download of these website templates will help you to build your entire website quickly.

Let us now see some of the pages included in the template.

eCommerce Page

Isn’t it a cool idea to sell apparel on your school or college website? You can do it using the eCommerce page in this template. Not only apparel but you can also put out study materials, books, DVDs for sale. The page has enough cards and tabs facilitating the visitors to navigate through the collections.

Email Template

The email template of this premium website template for school looks trendy with those circular edged cards distributed systematically. It is simple and sleek. The cards are designed such that every information can be supported by an image. With enough number of call-to-action buttons, the template promotes the chance of increasing conversion rates.

Blog Page

With alternatively arranged blog post titles, the page looks interesting. The page has two sections. The major portion of the page shows the latest or featured blog posts and the old posts are arranged horizontally along with pagination.

Search Result

The search page has a long rectangular box to enter keywords with a search button. The page design is simple. The wide box allows the visitor to conduct long-tail keyword searches. Once they type in the search word, the results are listed on the page with their clickable titles. The same footer with an email subscription form that is present throughout the website also exists on the search page.

What People Say

This is the customer testimonial section on the home page. Blending with the trademark of the template, that is, big fonts, the review, or customer feedback follow the same. The layout is innovative with content in a separate box and a tab below showing the customer details. Clicking the tab takes you to a specific review.

Popular Courses

If you build a website for school or college, you can list the courses you offer along with the details in these cards. With the read more button you can link them to pages containing more details. You can also list eLearning courses here with buttons linking to the course page.

Coming Soon

A glossy coming soon page for an upcoming event in your campus, or a newly launched course, laboratory, is a must to fill your announcement with excitement. The page has an image covered by a black transparent tint. You can edit the background image suiting the type of announcement. The timer on the page has days, hours, minutes, and seconds number ticking.

This premium website template for schools, colleges, and universities is available in two plans. Freedom and Extended.

Both the plans include all the pages but with Freedom, you get a single domain usage while with Extended you can use the template on any multiple domains.

Check every page of the template by going through a demo and buy the right plan.

Have a great time building your website.

Pages Available :

  • Home
  • About
  • Services
  • Gallery
  • Team & Team Single
  • FAQ
  • Timeline
  • 404
  • Coming Soon
  • Blog & Blog Single
  • Portfolio
  • Search Result
  • Email Template
  • eCommerce & eCommerce Single
  • Sign Up & Sign In
  • Contact

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Wisdom an Education School Category Responsive Web Template.
  • License: Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Unsplash


Landform Website template

Landform is an agriculture premium website template designed for farming, gardening, organic vegetables and fruit sellers, and other agriculture-related businesses. However, with its flexible customizability you can use it for other businesses also.

It has 20 HTML pages purely built with HTML5 and CSS3. Quite spacious in its layouts, there are more grids for images than text. This is consciously done to help you make your website competent with the latest trends of visual imagery. This premium website template has evergreen features that will make your website and business stand the test of time.

CSS Banner Slider

Highlight the specialty of your services using the banner slider on the home page. The widescreen format gives your website a stylish look which is further accentuated by spring animation of the slides. The manual operability of the slider gives freedom to the user to change the slides.

Compatible with all the browsers

Different browsers are designed to read the website code in their own way. This leads to a change in appearance or orientation of the website based on the browser. The browser compatibility of this premium website template leaves nothing for you to worry about the problem.

Fixed Comprehensive Footer

A big footer fixedly sits at the bottom of every page with all the necessary links, form, and flickers. With this you can give a glance at your website map to the visitors helping them to quickly reach their pages. You can list your services pages, blogs, also gain more subscribers through the subscription form.

With all the pages included in a single download, this premium website template helps you to build a complete website hassle-free. Since all the pages follow the same color scheme, no need to spend time adjusting the design. Edit the text, add your logo and you are on the way!

Here are some featured pages of this template,

About Landform

Just like an idea about page for any website, this page has the cards needed to showcase everything about your business. Now, that does not mean it’s long and boring. If scroll through, you’ll see the page has three sections. First an intro, second is for services that have font awesome icons, and the third, the most important, team section, which has social media buttons to check out the profiles. The images have hover animations and a small button to ask for a quote along with a clickable phone number.

eCommerce Page

Build an eCommerce store on your website and widen your reach using the eCommerce pages. Each grid on the page gives you enough space to display the product images clearly. There are also add to bag and like buttons for each product. Even if the customer is not buying anything you can get an idea of the market based on the likes. A thoroughly designed single product page has provision to add a detailed product description, multiple pictures, and a pin code form to check the delivery charges in the city. You can sell agricultural equipment, fertilizers, vegetable seeds, and plants.

Sign In Page

Pretty simple to understand the sign-in page has a form decorated by a background image. Subtle animations on the username and password boxes add life to the page. The form also gives other signing options to the users. The color palette of the overall template is followed to the details of this page, be it the background image or the green colored sign in button. What makes this page unique is a home button at the top right corner. The users can anytime go back. Using our editor change the linking and make them to any page you want.

Email Template

Email marketing a quick way of creating an impression on the users. And it is not an onetime strategy. You need to tap into their inboxes repeatedly with concise promotional material. This email page template can fit in all impactful information keeping your email short. You can link blog articles, services pages, and team sections. The users can ask for a free quote instantly using the button provided. This acts as an ice breaker between you and the users.

Pricing Table

Add the pricing details on the home page using this pricing table. It has three tables displaying the price and features of your plan. The most popular one protrudes out of the other two. This is an interesting strategy to sell the best plan. Although the names for the plans are already given, you can edit them. Each table has a sign in button prompting the users to take the right action.

Timeline Page

Use this page either to display the plan of your ambitious project, or timeline of your organization’s growth. The page has a plain background showing a single spine having event points. You can give a title to each event, with the date, and give a snippet of information. You can anytime edit the plain background adding their favorite picture. A group picture of your team or collages of special achievements during your company growth looks impressive.

This agriculture premium website template is available in two plans. Freedom and Extended.

Both the plans include all the pages but with Freedom you get a single domain usage while with Extended you can use the template on any number of domains.

Check every page of the template by going through a demo and buy the right plan.

Have a great time building your website.

Pages Available :

  • Home
  • About
  • Services
  • Gallery
  • Team
  • FAQ
  • Portfolio
  • Timeline
  • 404
  • Email Template
  • Coming Soon
  • Search Result
  • Blog & Blog Single
  • Blog Details
  • Team Single
  • eCommerce, eCommerce Single & eCommerce Cart
  • Sign In & Signup
  • Contact

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Landform an Agriculture Category Responsive Web Template.
  • License: Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Unsplash

Images by Pexels


Track Error Page Web Element

For bloggers who manage self-help, awareness, mental health-related blogs, we have come up with this serene 404-page template TRACK.

Its background image, a railway track and a man standing on it, gives an introspective feel to the page. The darkness of the page complements the white font text.

Subscribe Button

Most of the time the visitors arriving at 404 pages are new who mistakenly encounter a broken link. Obviously, if you don’t guide them, they will go away. With a subscribe button you provide them an option to try your newsletter or product updates. A form pops up on clicking the button where the visitors can enter their email id.

Back to Home Button

This is another option you can offer your visitors who get lost navigating. Just one click on the ‘Back to Home’ button and they are back on your website starting afresh.

Other Features

  • 404 – the page is broken
  • Mobile-Friendly Web Design
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Popup Subscribe Form
  • Easy to Customize
  • Editor Ready

This 404 error page template comes in the starter, liberty, and extended versions. Download any one of them and install this page on your website!

Please keep the backlink to, if you are downloading the template for free. If you are using the website template for commercial purpose consider buying a Liberty License.

Design by <a href=""></a>

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Track Error Page a Responsive Web Element.
  • License: Starter License and Liberty License.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Unsplash


Track Error Page Web Element

For bloggers who manage self-help, awareness, mental health-related blogs, we have come up with this serene 404-page template TRACK.

Its background image, a railway track and a man standing on it, gives an introspective feel to the page. The darkness of the page complements the white font text.

Subscribe Button

Most of the time the visitors arriving at 404 pages are new who mistakenly encounter a broken link. Obviously, if you don’t guide them, they will go away. With a subscribe button you provide them an option to try your newsletter or product updates. A form pops up on clicking the button where the visitors can enter their email id.

Back to Home Button

This is another option you can offer your visitors who get lost navigating. Just one click on the ‘Back to Home’ button and they are back on your website starting afresh.

Other Features

  • 404 – the page is broken
  • Mobile-Friendly Web Design
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Popup Subscribe Form
  • Easy to Customize
  • Editor Ready

This 404 error page template comes in the starter, liberty, and extended versions. Download any one of them and install this page on your website!

Please keep the backlink to, if you are downloading the template for free. If you are using the website template for commercial purpose consider buying a Liberty License.

Design by <a href=""></a>

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Track Error Page a Responsive Web Element.
  • License: Starter License and Liberty License.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Unsplash


Living Decor Website Template

Living Decor is a premium website template from the interior design category. Due to its exhaustive features and collection of pages, it is most apt for big interior designing firms. But you can also use it as a freelance individual interior designer if you are planning to build a team later.

This premium website template comprises 22 HTML pages that assist you in building a complete website. There will be no need to look for any extra pages after you download this template. It has all those features, widgets, and icons, that are needed for an interior designer website.

Professional Look

White canvas with sky blue scattered in the form of icons and buttons give a serene and royal look. For an interior designing firm, colors become their brand. They speak about your taste to the audience. The visitors get a hint of your visual style even before they approach you.

Unique Hover Animations

Every clickable element is coded with CSS hover animations. The pictures of team members turn to black and white, the icons glow fade, the hyperlinked texts change their color, and the page navigation titles slide out of the rows.

No Use of Bootstrap

For fast navigation and loading speeds, it’s important for the website to be lightweight. Our designers have achieved a website template that supports high-resolution pictures but is also light as air.

This premium website template comes with all the necessary pages and web elements following a homogenous design. This way, there is no need to download individual elements and struggle with their customization.

Here are some featured pages of this template,

Blog Page

It has a simple layout with blog thumbnails arranged in ordered grids. Each grid has a title image, posting date, writer’s name, number of shares and comments, blog title in the mentioned order. The image and title are the clickable parts that will take the users to the single blog page which has comments listed along with social media sharing buttons. There is also a comment form for the users to share their views on the article in front of a community of readers.

Email Template

With text overlays on images, CTA buttons, pictures of your team members, number counters, and your business highlights, this email template amplifies the intensity of your email campaign. List your products with discounts and link informative blog articles in your emails to entice the readers to click them. Make the best use of this concise email template by adding engaging texts on the picture banners.

eCommerce Page

Market and sell your furniture and interior design accessories using the eCommerce page in this premium website template. Any number of products can be listed on the pages with their price and ‘add to cart’ button. The eCommerce package includes a single product page and a cart. Add more pictures of your product and write a description explaining its features. The page also gives suggestions to the users. The cart has product adding and removing buttons.

Login Page

The page has a centrally placed clean form with email and password boxes. Due to its plainness, the login process becomes very easy for the users. To make it easier, users can also opt for logging in through their Facebook or Twitter accounts. This is for those who don’t wish to create another account. The form also shows an interactive message for the wrong entry of email-id and password. With the knowledge of HTML, you can also add more login options.

Search Page

For a website with exhaustive information, a search page is vital. Instead of getting lost from pages to pages, users navigate to this search page and type in the keyword for their search. Within seconds, a list of results will appear with the title, link, and a snippet of information containing the keyword. Including this page on your website reduces the bounce rate by providing immediate solutions to user’s problems.

Testimonials Page

Testimonials have become the new quantifying parameters for the quality of services. By adding testimonials, you can get rid of case studies that are rarely read. Encourage your visitors to write down their experiences about your services and display them in the testimonial section. The cards have enough space to write a decent review, along with the picture and name of the customer.

Why Choose Us

Find this section on the home page where you can write selling points about your products and services. Make use of symbolic iconography to throw light on the text. Write about your team, experiences, collaborations, a new range of products, industry accreditations, and any other achievements.

Download this interior design premium website template and showcase your best work to the world. The website template is available in two plans. Freedom and Extended.

Both the plans include all the pages but with Freedom, you get a single domain usage while with Extended you can use the template on any number of domains.

Check every page of the template by going through a demo and buy the right plan.

Have a great time building your website.

Pages Available :

  • Home
  • About
  • Services & Services single
  • Team & Team single
  • Portfolio & Portfolio single
  • Blog & Blog single
  • Sign in
  • Sign up
  • FAQ
  • Timeline
  • 404
  • Coming soon
  • Email template
  • Search results
  • Ecommerce & Ecommerce single
  • Ecommerce cart
  • Contact

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Living Decor an Interior and Furniture Category Responsive Web Template.
  • License: Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Unsplash


HR Crew Website Template

For all those companies related to human resource management, the HR crew is a premium website template with everything preset inside. Whether it be for a job portal or an HR consulting firm, the template has a wide range of flexibility. Any human resource website template should support different types of job application forms and fast navigation through job listings.

HR Crew human resource premium website template wears both these and many other characteristics.

Apart from cards throughout the template for listings, a detailed footer also has clickable shortcuts jumping to specific job categories.

Job Search Form

With three fields namely keywords, category, and country, the search form takes its place right at the banner of the template making the first step of job search straightforward for the candidates. Also, the most searched keywords and categories are highlighted above the form giving the idea of current trends in the job market.

App Download Link

With a mobile app, the candidates can instantly apply for a job by following notifications. The mobile app download card is available at the end of the home page with a form to enter an email. The visitor will then get an email containing the link to download the app. Besides the form, there are buttons to directly download the app from the play store or app store.

Job Postings

The features on this website template are not limited to only those candidates looking for jobs. Even the employers can post jobs on your portal by paying a fixed fee. So, your website can become a job marketplace connecting job seekers and job givers.

HR Crew human resource premium website template includes many HTML pages all in a single download which helps you to create a homogenous website. No need to download a page separately and struggle with blending its design with your website. This bootstrap website template can inherently become your brand.

Downloading this template is like having a website ready on your lap. You only need to make a few changes in the text and images based on your preference.

Latest Blogs

Blogging is such an essential part of gaining traction on your website. And, to give the most up to date information about the job world, make use of latest blog section on the home page. You can also blog about tips and tricks to clear and interview or a difficult competitive exam. The single blog pages have a sharing options and fields to type in comments or questions.

Candidates Details

Display the profile of individual candidates on each page. It’s nothing less than a single page portfolio giving a complete background of skills and educational qualifications of the candidates. With this, the employer can check if the candidate is suitable for the position before getting in touch. The page has a display picture, social media buttons, skill meters, and save resume button.

Email Template

Filled with a CTA button, this email template will complement your email marketing strategy. The page gives an idea of creating a profile on your website. It also has a card that bears information about downloading your mobile app. To put in brief, this email template is like a short version of your website giving all the necessary information in just one scroll. It starts with a question and as the readers scroll down, with each card they find answers.


All employers actively looking for employees are listed on one page. It becomes easy for job seekers to access their profiles. Each grid has a card of the individual employer with a follow button, so that, the job seekers can get notifications when they post their job. Each card arranged in the matrix has a display picture, follow button and social media button to check out their profiles.

Featured Jobs

All the hottest jobs in the market are featured in this specially curated section on the homepage. With hover animated vertically aligned cards, displaying the details of the jobs, the aspirers can apply for the jobs instantaneously. The cards have information like the place, job profile, type of job (part-time, full-time, contract basis), and apply now button. The use of animated iconology makes this section eye-catchy.

How it works

Give a quick brief about the process to new visitors on your website. The ‘How It Works?’ section on the ‘About’ page consists of four cards, installed with hover animations and visually communicating iconology. It says register, update profile, search dream job, and apply! It is that simple. Job seekers on the internet are looking for the simplest ways to get a job. And, with this section, you announce that you are the one they are looking for.

Search Result

Users can quickly find useful information with the search page. Once they enter a keyword, a list of results will appear on the page within seconds with thumbnail pictures and clickable titles.

Timeline Page

A clear and classy vertical timeline page is the perfect way to show the events in chronological order. If you have an established HR consulting firm, you can use it to show your story. For new firms, the timeline can be used to show a forecasted plan. The text boxes are arranged on one side of the timeline. Highlights of pink add vibrancy to the page.

This human resource premium website template consists of 20 HTML pages. Every page follows a fixed color palette making the whole template homogenous. The premium website template is available in Freedom and Extended plans.

Compare both the plan, discuss with your teammates, and make a smart choice.

Download our templates and have fun building your website.

Pages Available :

  • Home
  • About
  • Jobs page
  • Jobs detail
  • Employers
  • Employers detail
  • Candidates
  • Candidates detail
  • Blog, Blog single
  • Job posting page
  • Login
  • signup
  • FAQ
  • Timeline
  • 404
  • Coming soon
  • Email template
  • Search results
  • Contact

Template Information:

  • Template Name: HR Crew a Human Resource Category Responsive Web Template.
  • License: Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Unsplash


HR Crew Website Template

For all those companies related to human resource management, the HR crew is a premium website template with everything preset inside. Whether it be for a job portal or an HR consulting firm, the template has a wide range of flexibility. Any human resource website template should support different types of job application forms and fast navigation through job listings.

HR Crew human resource premium website template wears both these and many other characteristics.

Apart from cards throughout the template for listings, a detailed footer also has clickable shortcuts jumping to specific job categories.

Job Search Form

With three fields namely keywords, category, and country, the search form takes its place right at the banner of the template making the first step of job search straightforward for the candidates. Also, the most searched keywords and categories are highlighted above the form giving the idea of current trends in the job market.

App Download Link

With a mobile app, the candidates can instantly apply for a job by following notifications. The mobile app download card is available at the end of the home page with a form to enter an email. The visitor will then get an email containing the link to download the app. Besides the form, there are buttons to directly download the app from the play store or app store.

Job Postings

The features on this website template are not limited to only those candidates looking for jobs. Even employers can post jobs on your portal by paying a fixed fee. So, your website can become a job marketplace connecting job seekers and job givers.

HR Crew human resource premium website template includes many HTML pages all in a single download which helps you to create a homogenous website. No need to download a page separately and struggle with blending its design with your website. This bootstrap website template can inherently become your brand.

Downloading this template is like having a website ready on your lap. You only need to make a few changes in the text and images based on your preference.


Latest Blogs

Blogging is such an essential part of gaining traction on your website. And, to give the most up to date information about the job world, make use of latest blog section on the home page. You can also blog about tips and tricks to clear and interview or a difficult competitive exam. The single blog pages have a sharing options and fields to type in comments or questions.

Candidates Details

Display the profile of individual candidates on each page. It’s nothing less than a single page portfolio giving a complete background of skills and educational qualifications of the candidates. With this, the employer can check if the candidate is suitable for the position before getting in touch. The page has a display picture, social media buttons, skill meters, and save resume button.

Email Template

Filled with a CTA button, this email template will complement your email marketing strategy. The page gives an idea of creating a profile on your website. It also has a card that bears information about downloading your mobile app. To put in brief, this email template is like a short version of your website giving all the necessary information in just one scroll. It starts with a question and as the readers scroll down, with each card they find answers.


All employers actively looking for employees are listed on one page. It becomes easy for job seekers to access their profiles. Each grid has a card of the individual employer with a follow button, so that, the job seekers can get notifications when they post their job. Each card arranged in the matrix has a display picture, follow button and social media button to check out their profiles.

Featured Jobs

All the hottest jobs in the market are featured in this specially curated section on the homepage. With hover animated vertically aligned cards, displaying the details of the jobs, the aspirers can apply for the jobs instantaneously. The cards have information like the place, job profile, type of job (part-time, full-time, contract basis), and apply now button. The use of animated iconology makes this section eye-catchy.

How it works

Give a quick brief about the process to new visitors on your website. The ‘How It Works?’ section on the ‘About’ page consists of four cards, installed with hover animations and visually communicating iconology. It says register, update profile, search dream job, and apply! It is that simple. Job seekers on the internet are looking for the simplest ways to get a job. And, with this section, you announce that you are the one they are looking for.

Search Result

Users can quickly find useful information with the search page. Once they enter a keyword, a list of results will appear on the page within seconds with thumbnail pictures and clickable titles.

Timeline Page

A clear and classy vertical timeline page is the perfect way to show the events in chronological order. If you have an established HR consulting firm, you can use it to show your story. For new firms, the timeline can be used to show a forecasted plan. The text boxes are arranged on one side of the timeline. Highlights of pink add vibrancy to the page.

This human resource premium website template consists of 20 HTML pages. Every page follows a fixed color palette making the whole template homogenous. The premium website template is available in Freedom and Extended plans.

Compare both the plan, discuss with your teammates, and make a smart choice.

Download our templates and have fun building your website.

Pages Available :

  • Home
  • About
  • Jobs page
  • Jobs detail
  • Employers
  • Employers detail
  • Candidates
  • Candidates detail
  • Blog, Blog single
  • Job posting page
  • Login
  • signup
  • FAQ
  • Timeline
  • 404
  • Coming soon
  • Email template
  • Search results
  • Contact

Template Information:

  • Template Name: HR Crew a Human Resource Category Responsive Web Template.
  • License: Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Unsplash


Placidity Website Template

With the combination of contrasting colors and the buttons of cyan spreading positive vibes across the layout, the Placidity premium website template becomes an inevitable choice for charity organizations. The pages, widgets, buttons, and icons used in the template are designed for websites of organizations standing for a social cause.

Placidity charity organization premium website template is apt for those organizations or group of volunteers that raise their voice against domestic violence, child abuse, animal abuse, and others fighting for human rights. With a bit of customization, this also fits various types of other NGOs.

Interactive Banner with niche-specific icons

The banner has arrow buttons for manual sliding with each slide housing a cyan painted CTA button. Interactive icons for Learn, Speak Out, Lead, Volunteer, sit at the bottom which is clickable. You can hyperlink them to the page sharing more information for the interested folks.

Donation Form

The ‘Donate Now’ button on the home page will take you to an easy-to-fill donation form. Designed with basic fields, the form has three options for the amount to be donated. When the amount is kept fixed, it cuts the dilemma from the donator’s side. Link an article on the page about the latest details about the charity campaign to enhance your credibility.

Contact button at multiple places

To make it easy for everyone to get in touch with you, this template has a ‘Contact us’ button at multiple places. There is also a separate contact page with a form and grids to write your addresses. The contact information is also located at the headers and footers of every page.

The premium website template has more than 22 responsive HTML pages bundled together into a single download. Each page is tessellated by attractive images, font awesome icons, and comprehensive footer. A single download of this template will give you all the pages needed to build a complete website, with the need to adjust in the page layouts eliminated.

eCommerce Page

Charity is not done only by donations. Amongst the many avenues that you can try to bring more people in, opening an eCommerce store to selling items representing your cause is the most enterprising. The eCommerce package in this template consists of an eCommerce page, a single product page, and a cart. The product page has text grids to add enough product information along with the ratings.

Blog Page

Raise your voice and reach out to everyone like-minded around the globe. The blog page can hold any number of articles and they can be browsed through using a ‘Read More’ button. Single blog pages are readable and font shares three colors that eye-friendly against the background.

Activity Status

A horizontal activity status bar on the home page has number counters showing the number of successful campaigns, petitions, voices raised, and volunteers working together. Any social organization’s strength lies immensely in its people. With this number counter, your fight will carry more weightage.

404 Page

In case your visitors are lost, the ‘Back to Home’ button on this error page will drive them to your website. When you see a 404 page that looks out of somewhere, you are bound to be distracted. Right? This can also happen with your visitors. Since it is a part of this template package, it wears the same color palette and keeps your brand intact.

What we do

With this page, your visitors who either wish to donate or volunteer will get all the information about your organization in just one place. The page has image grids, contact button, team section, clickable text titles to which you can hyperlink to more information. There are also numbers displayed which are important to create a great first impression.

Timeline Page

Fix the timeline of the campaigns to be held in the upcoming year. Use this also as a project plan for your ambitious campaign and impress the donators. Text grids are arranged on the right side of the vertical timeline and each event point is coded with hover animation. The texts are in varied font sizes, colors and they can be used based on the preference of the details. You can also add more events points to it.

Search Result Page

Users can quickly find useful information with the search page. Once they enter a keyword, a list of results will appear on the page within seconds with thumbnail pictures and clickable titles. Moving the pointer on the title makes them change their color indicating that users can click them.

Email Template

An aggressive email marketing campaign is a crucial strategy to reach into everyone’s inboxes. So that you become successful in this, the email template has been designed as a compact version of your website. With more visual content than text, the layout can be comprehended faster by the readers. And that’s the challenge. It is only a matter of a few seconds before you make an impression.

Placidity charity organization premium website template comes with 22+ HTML pages including contact form, google map, font awesome icons, and installed with cross-browser compatibility. You can download them in two different plans. Freedom and Extended. Each plan comes with a specific set of pages.

Compare them, discuss with your teammates, and make a smart choice.

Download our templates and have fun building your website.

Pages Available :

  • Home
  • Services
  • Team & Team Single
  • Portfolio
  • What we do
  • Gallery
  • Single
  • FAQ
  • Timeline
  • 404
  • Search Result
  • Login & Sign In form
  • Coming Soon
  • Email Template
  • Blog & Blog Single
  • eCommerce & eCommerce Single
  • eCommerce Cart
  • Donation Page
  • Contact Us

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Placidity a Society and People Category Responsive Web Template.
  • License: Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Unsplash

Images by Pexels