
Hoster Website Template

Hoster is a premium website template for web hosting companies. This is one of those website templates where the banner gives more emphasis to text rather than image slideshow or animations. Although there is a subtle illustration art to fill up space, the text with a price of domain services and a ‘Get Started’ button grabs more eyes. In addition, the banner sliding buttons come handy.

The color palette matches up with the niche of the web hosting website template. Light indigo speckles over a greyish white background add credibility and professionalism. Bundled with 25+ HTML pages, Hoster consists of all the widgets you need to showcase all web hosting services. The template has a lightweight CSS design and the pages can be navigated with submenu dropdowns.

With Hoster, you get a ready website with each page specifically designed for web hosting companies. Even though it comes with a customizability feature, there is hardly any need to make changes in the design.

Clean and Professional Design

The design has spaces between the sections if you notice. It takes out the clutter giving healthy visibility to the viewers. The intelligent combination of different font sizes takes our attention naturally to crucial information.

Compatible with all Browsers

Our premium website templates are downloaded across the world. With every template, we make sure that the cross-browser compatibility clause is satisfied. Be it Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera, this premium website template will make your website smoothly function on every browser.

Types of Hosting

Every hosting company offers different types of hosting services. The template has individual pages for each type of service. Each page has a pricing plan with features of the services. Cards, text boxes, icons, accordions, and other web design widgets are used to display services.

Once you download this premium web hosting website template, you get a comprehensive collection of pages needed to build a complete web hosting company website. It acts as your brand. No need to download any page separately and struggle with customizations to it so that it blends with the website.

Domain Transfer

Help your customers to transfer their domains with your domain transfer service. As the page opens with an ‘Enter Domain’ box, users can start with the process right away. Apart from listing the available domains with their prices, the page also gives useful information about domain transfer.

Order your Domain

A pricing plan page custom-designed for hosting companies. Cards orderly arranged on the layout offer different schemes. Each card has benefits mentioned in bullet points, cost, and order now button. With every piece of information given clearly, it increases transparency between you and your customers.

Dedicated Hosting Features

Offer dedicated server hosting to your customers with this structured page designed after brainstorming on the designs of various other hosting websites. The page comes with three pricing plans, giving enough variety for the users to make a choice. If one page is not enough to list the features, you can link an article or another page below with a ‘Read More’ button.

Blog Page

With big responsive cards for each blog post, the page looks perfectly in order. Each card has the title image, blog title, and a snippet of information. With the help of the pagination widget at the bottom of the page, users can navigate across all the blog posts. The single blog pages consist of social media sharing buttons and comments section which plays a major role in increasing the engagement ratio on your website.

Email Template

Fuel up your email marketing campaign by synopsizing all your services in a single email. This compact email page open in any type of device. It has more image grids which help you to convey information through pictures. This creates more impact in a short time which is one of the good characteristics of effective marketing emails. The unsubscribe button at the end gives more entitlement to the readers to exit themselves from your list of emails.

Pricing Page

With multiple types of pricing plans, this template gives options to use any of them. Each one has a unique design with hover animation on buttons. You can also highlight the most preferred or recommended plan to the users. The end of the page has a ‘contact us’ button for users to immediately get in touch with you in case of any queries.

Support Page

Gain the trust of your audience by offering all types of support to them in need. The page has a contact form, email id, contact number as well as FAQs. This versatility of options speaks to your audience and increases their confidence. Sometimes, there may not be any need to even contact you. The FAQ may give the needed answers in its CSS3 accordions. The contact form also has a dropdown tab to direct queries to a specific department.

Timeline Page

In the vertical timeline page, event points are placed on a vertical spine. You can use this to narrate your story of founding your company or chronology of future project plans. Also, follow an out of box approach by showing the steps to follow to buy a domain on your website. There can many applications of this.

The complete premium web hosting website template comes with 25 HTML pages. You can download them in two different plans. Freedom and Extended. Extended gives you the ability to use multiple projects without a backlink.

Compare them, discuss with your teammates, and make a smart choice.

Download our templates and have fun building your website.

Pages Available :

  • Home page
  • About
  • Services
  • Blog & Blog single
  • Contact
  • Shared hosting
  • Dedicated hosting
  • Reseller hosting
  • Domain transfer
  • Choose a domain
  • Order domain
  • Pricing
  • Support
  • Team & Team Single
  • Portfolio
  • Search results
  • Timeline
  • FAQ
  • 404
  • Login
  • Signup
  • Coming soon
  • Email template
  • Configure(checkout page)

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Hoster a Web Hosting Category Responsive Web Template.
  • License: Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by unDraw

Images by Unsplash


Shot Pic Website Template

Whether you may be an independent photographer, or the owner of a photo studio, Shot Pic premium photo gallery website template will help you in building a comprehensive website for your business. The template is completely built on CSS3 without the use of javascript. The header has a theme followed in every page. This makes your whole website homogenous creating a trustworthy brand image.

Even though photography websites demand vibrancy, Shot Pic is not flooded with bright colors. With orange being the only color in the template, which gives out energy, other shades are mostly faded which give subtleness to the appearance.

Collaged Masthead

A collection of your best photographs can be compiled together into a collage and displayed at the masthead or banner area. This is one of the most effective branding strategies. To convert your visitor into a customer, there is also a ‘Contact Us’ button with hover color changing animation.

Entirely built with CSS3

Using CSS3 to build the complete template makes it lightweight in terms of navigation. Your website loads faster and supports high-resolution images, graphics without much crying. One of the important features of the photo gallery website template is to withstand the weight of high-quality pictures. And, using javascript for animations makes the template too heavy. But here the use of CSS3 makes the template light.

Full Toggle Menu

The menu of this template does not live in the header, but it hides inside a hamburger button in the top left corner. After clicking, it opens a curtain of texts for each page. Users can jump to any page they want in no time. To exit out of it, there is a close button at the top right corner.

Our traditional website templates come with a limited number of pages. They are fine if you are not sure about your business or looking to experiment with your website. But when you want to build a complete website then our premium website templates are the ones you should be looking out for.

The template is furnished with various HTML pages which will fulfill all your needs to build a complete photo gallery website.

Attractive Home Page

The home page does a perfect job of catching the eyes of your visitors. With a masthead containing the best photographs of yours, followed by a brief information of different types of photography and design services you offer, it acts as a synopsis of your work. The background image change as you scroll down giving a lively feel to the page.

eCommerce Page

The e-commerce page has a simple layout to make shopping experience effortless for the users. You can rent or sell photography equipment, along with your pictures. The template contains a whole eCommerce package using which you can manage an online store. It includes an eCommerce page for listing products, a page for a single product with a brief description and a shopping cart.

Blog Page

All your blog posts are arranged on a single page with cards containing title, short snippet, and thumbnail image. The thumbnail image has hover zoom-in animation on it adding dynamism to the page. Even the title of each card lights upon placing the pointer on them. The blog single page has nice readable font and space to add title picture.

Email Template

In email marketing, your focus should be to create maximum impact in the shortest possible time. Everything about your business should concisely fit into one email. The email template here does exactly that. It is like a synopsis of your website. Add all your punch line in this template and entice the audience to click on the CTA buttons. This is where you will sell your products!

Gallery Page

Images are arranged in mosaic layout grids decorated by swift hover animations. The type of layout allows you to add images of different resolutions and aspect ratios. There is also a single gallery page where visitors can browse across the pictures, one at a time, like a film reel. A brief text also sits below the pictures’ reel.

Login Page

Every bit of this template holds professionalism and the login page is not untouched by this. With a background image, the form is placed on the left side leaving ample space for text to communicate with your audience. It is that last bit of information that they are ready to dive into the world of photography with you. The login form has a conventional layout and is easy to fill for the users.

Pricing Table Page

There are four cards facilitating you to have four different pricing options for your services. You can either have one service with four variants or four different services. Each card gets highlighted on moving your pointer to it giving emphasis. They follow a simple design with the price mentioned in bold font, text in bullets, and a buy now button.

Search Result

After you search for a keyword in the search bar, the results will be orderly displayed on a search results page. Like the whole template, this page also has a flat white background with results shown on it. Mostly you can link this page to your blog section so that users can quickly find relevant information.

The complete premium photo gallery website template comes with 23 HTML pages. You can download them in two different plans. Freedom and Extended. Each plan comes with a specific set of pages.

Compare them, discuss with your teammates and make a smart choice.

Download our templates and have fun building your website.

Pages Available :

  • Home
  • About
  • Service &Service Single
  • Team and Team Single
  • Gallery & Gallery Single
  • Pricing
  • Timeline
  • FAQ’s
  • 404 page
  • Coming Soon
  • Email Template
  • Blog and Blog
  • Single
  • eCommerce and eCommerce Single
  • Search Result
  • Login
  • Signup
  • Contact

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Shot Pic a Photo Gallery Responsive Web Template.
  • License: Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Plugins Used

Images by Unsplash


Tenant Website template

If you want to build a website for the real estate business, there are so many factors to be considered. You have to list the properties, give accurate details of the carpet area, the pictures displayed should be high quality (which means your website should not take ages to load them), organized presentation of prices to avoid confusion, and many other things.

Building a real estate website template considering these aspects is a challenge. But our developers have an innate quality in them. They never give up! And the outcome of this quality is Tenant – premium real estate website template.

Professional Color Combination

This real estate website template has a layout ornamented by square and rectangular cards with hovering animations. The color combination gives it a globally professional look. The premium website template is designed for real estate companies, a company of agents as well as independent agents and brokers.

Clear and Precise Property Listing

Specially dedicated property pages give detailed information which even includes a map to show the exact location. There is also a listings card where different types of properties like apartments, hotels, villas, offices, lands, etc, are arranged section-wise. For posting ads, there is a specific space allocated.

Informative Header

You will rarely come across a header like this one. All the top priority information is placed right here. Your contact details, office timings, and social media links. Everything has one-click access, making it as easy as possible to your prospective customers to come in touch with you. And that is the surest way to achieve success.

Apart from these, there are some more features and pages housed in this premium website template.

Email Template

A single page email template gives a clear idea about your business. The objective of email marketing is to increase your engagement with the audience. And enough CTA buttons placed at right spots assist your visitors. You can also list hot properties with attractive discounts. Basically, the email template is like a miniature of your whole website giving all the information in the crispest way possible.

Coming Soon Page

On the overlay of a rich picture keeps ticking days, hours, minutes and seconds for your next big launch. Instead of a static poster, a continuously changing counter gives it life. For new visitors, the page has a subscription form so that they get timely reminders about the launch. You can use this page to launch a new property, project or attractive sale or discount.

Login Page

Following the same color code as the template, the login form design is minimalistic. It is nothing different than a conventional design with boxes for email id and password. A subtle hover animation on the login button adds attractiveness. You cannot be out of box everywhere. If your customer finds the login process difficult, you may lose it.

Pricing Table

For those who wish to keep a subscription plan for their website, this pricing page is nothing less than perfection. It comes with three separate cards giving you the flexibility to keep three types of plans. Each card has CTA buttons followed by your offerings in bullet points. A unique feature of this which you will seldom find at other places in the ‘Contact Us’ button sitting below every card. Your customer has any doubts, he can click on the button right away.

Properties Page

List all your properties on a single page by dividing them into two categories. One for purchase and other for rentals. The details of each property are written in the cards in a short text and the facilities provided like wifi, carpet area, number of rooms, catering service are shown by using visually understandable icons. Concisely fitting all the information possible into one place without crowding it is the idea here.

Search Result

Every property listing website must have a search page. This is one feature that serves your visitors quickly in terms of finding the right property. With a plethora of options listed throughout the website, the visitor may get exhausted by searching the right one by merely browsing. He can instead make use of this search page, enter a few keywords, and quickly find the perfect choice.

Timeline Page

All your prospective customers would want to be interested to know your story. The vertical timeline page is designed to help you show the crucial events in the growth journey of your company. The animated bullet points draw significant attention and add a sparkling effects to the page. You can also use this page to show the timeline of your next ambitious real estate project.

FAQ Page

The FAQ page has a clean layout without any distractions. Question are listed with a dropdown containing the answers which are precise and concise. Every customer will have some first-level doubts which are not needed to be addressed personally. A general set of instructions can solve the issues. Such questions are always kept in the FAQ section.

The complete package comes with more than 19 HTML pages. You can download them in two different plans. Freedom and Extended. Each plan comes with a specific set of pages.

Compare them, discuss with your teammates and make a smart choice.

Download our templates and have fun building your website.

Pages Available :

  • Home
  • About
  • Services
  • Team & Team single
  • Properties & Properties single
  • Pricing
  • 404
  • Coming soon
  • login
  • Register
  • Search results
  • Timeline
  • Faq
  • Email template
  • Blog & Blog single
  • Contact

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Tenant a Real Estate Category Responsive Web Template.
  • License: Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Unsplash


Fog Error Page Web Element

Fog 404 error page template is designed for portfolio websites especially related to wildlife or travel photography. Due to its landscape background picture, you can also use this for travel agencies, holiday planning company websites. Having an error page that blends into your niche prevents the audience from getting distracted.

The semi-transparent digit 404 dissolves with the background without being too harsh on the eyes. If you have chosen black as the prime color for your website and brand, this error page template is perfect.

Exotic and Royal look

Black is famously known as the color of the rich. It gives a luxurious feel to anything it adorns. The snowy black and white picture adds the regality. White text over dark background is always easy to read. This also makes the CTA button appear clearly in contrast.

Motion sensitive background image

On hovering, the background floats along in the direction of movement. The JavaScript floating effect not only brings the page alive but also adds a lot of professionalism to the design. The full-screen image contributes to building an impression of your brand.

‘Back to Home’ button

When a visitor encounters a broken link on your website, it is obvious that he will no more visit your site again. But the ‘Back to Home’ button on this template ensure to at least give an option for them to look at your home page. The button also acts as a direction signboard for those who suddenly feel lost. The hover animation on the button increases its visibility.

Other Features :

  • Fully Responsive
  • Clean design
  • Fullscreen Background
  • Easy to Customize
  • Website builder ready

This template comes in starter, liberty and extended versions. Download any one of them and install this page on your website!

Please keep the backlink to, if you are downloading the template for free. If you are using the website template for commercial purpose consider buying a Liberty License.

Design by <a href=""></a>
  • Template Name: Fog Error Page Responsive Web Element.
  • License: Starter License and Liberty License.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Image by Unsplash


Fog Error Page Web Element

Fog 404 error page template is designed for portfolio websites especially related to wildlife or travel photography. Due to its landscape background picture, you can also use this for travel agencies, holiday planning company websites. Having an error page that blends into your niche prevents the audience from getting distracted.

The semi-transparent digit 404 dissolves with the background without being too harsh on the eyes. If you have chosen black as the prime color for your website and brand, this error page template is perfect.

Exotic and Royal look

Black is famously known as the color of the rich. It gives a luxurious feel to anything it adorns. The snowy black and white picture adds the regality. White text over dark background is always easy to read. This also makes the CTA button appear clearly in contrast.

Motion sensitive background image

On hovering, the background floats along in the direction of movement. The JavaScript floating effect not only brings the page alive but also adds a lot of professionalism to the design. The full-screen image contributes to building an impression of your brand.

‘Back to Home’ button

When a visitor encounters a broken link on your website, it is obvious that he will no more visit your site again. But the ‘Back to Home’ button on this template ensure to at least give an option for them to look at your home page. The button also acts as a direction signboard for those who suddenly feel lost. The hover animation on the button increases its visibility.

Other Features :

  • Fully Responsive
  • Clean design
  • Fullscreen Background
  • Easy to Customize
  • Website builder ready

This template comes in starter, liberty and extended versions. Download any one of them and install this page on your website!

Please keep the backlink to, if you are downloading the template for free. If you are using the website template for commercial purpose consider buying a Liberty License.

Design by <a href=""></a>
  • Template Name: Fog Error Page Responsive Web Element.
  • License: Starter License and Liberty License.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Image by Unsplash


Collective Admin Panel Website Template

Collective is a perfect admin dashboard for your next website or app. It contains every widget you need to monitor the performance. The admin panel of any app or website consists of a lot of data, charts and many other numbers.

In this bootstrap admin template, every information floats on a white canvas, making it easily readable. The charts show you the data points on hover making it easier for analysis.

Holistic Landing Page

The landing page holds an abundance of data. The most important data for someone managing a website is the number of active users, downloads and daily visitors. You will see them right at the top, followed by a series of pie charts, bar graphs, and chat message widget. There is also a collapsible sidebar sitting at the left side holding more features.

Different Types of Charts

Do a deeper analysis using different types of charts that come with this template. It houses a pie chart, bar chart, line chart, and stacked bar chart. The choice of pale shades gives it a more corporate feel.


Access the emails you have received from your followers and stay in touch with them. Our developers have kept a traditional design so that you are comfortable with it. With the compose button, a message box pops up (like a lightbox effect) and you can send a mail instantly. Like a traditional inbox, the widget has options to check drafts, sent mail, trash, etc.

Widgets with Different Versions

There are other hosts of widgets like pricing table, content cards, carousel sliders, content blocks, accordions, and forms available in multiple versions. Select a suitable version for your website or app and build a kickass admin panel using this bootstrap admin template.

Other Features

  • Bootstrap Framework
  • Fully Responsive
  • Sidebar Toggle Navigation
  • Data Table
  • Forms
  • Timeline Page
  • Login and Sign up
  • And much more…

You can click on the ‘Take Demo’ button and test all the features until you are totally satisfied. You can either download a free version of it with limited features or pay a decent amount and get either liberty version to take the full benefit of the features.

Have a great time building your website!

Pages Available:

Default Cards
People Cards
Content Blocks
Blank Page
Login & Sign up
Forgot Password

Please keep backlink to, if you are downloading the template for free. If you are using the website template for commercial purpose consider buying a Liberty License.

Design by <a href=""></a>
  • Template Name: Collective Admin Panel a Bootstrap Responsive Website Template.
  • License: Starter License and Liberty License.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Plugins Used

Images by Pexels


Collective Admin Panel Website Template

Collective is a perfect admin dashboard for your next website or app. It contains every widget you need to monitor the performance. The admin panel of any app or website consists of a lot of data, charts and many other numbers.

In this bootstrap admin template, every information floats on a white canvas, making it easily readable. The charts show you the data points on hover making it easier for analysis.

Holistic Landing Page

The landing page holds an abundance of data. The most important data for someone managing a website is the number of active users, downloads and daily visitors. You will see them right at the top, followed by a series of pie charts, bar graphs, and chat message widget. There is also a collapsible sidebar sitting at the left side holding more features.

Different Types of Charts

Do a deeper analysis using different types of charts that come with this template. It houses a pie chart, bar chart, line chart, and stacked bar chart. The choice of pale shades gives it a more corporate feel.


Access the emails you have received from your followers and stay in touch with them. Our developers have kept a traditional design so that you are comfortable with it. With the compose button, a message box pops up (like a lightbox effect) and you can send a mail instantly. Like a traditional inbox, the widget has options to check drafts, sent mail, trash, etc.

Widgets with Different Versions

There are other hosts of widgets like pricing table, content cards, carousel sliders, content blocks, accordions, and forms available in multiple versions. Select a suitable version for your website or app and build a kickass admin panel using this bootstrap admin template.

Other Features

  • Bootstrap Framework
  • Fully Responsive
  • Sidebar Toggle Navigation
  • Data Table
  • Forms
  • Timeline Page
  • Login and Sign up
  • And much more…

You can click on the ‘Take Demo’ button and test all the features until you are totally satisfied. You can either download a free version of it with limited features or pay a decent amount and get either liberty version to take the full benefit of the features.

Have a great time building your website!

Pages Available:

Pages Starter Liberty
Default Cards
People Cards
Content Blocks
Blank Page  
Login & Sign up  
Forgot Password  

Please keep backlink to, if you are downloading the template for free. If you are using the website template for commercial purpose consider buying a Liberty License.

Design by <a href=""></a>
  • Template Name: Collective Admin Panel a Bootstrap Responsive Website Template.
  • License: Starter License and Liberty License.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Plugins Used

Images by Pexels


Global Transport Website Template

For all types of transportation-related businesses (like freight, cargo, trucking, car renting and automobile companies) the website should have smooth navigation. Users will mostly navigate the website for their right choice (cargo, freight or any other vehicle) and choose their booking dates. So, the user interface must be eye-friendly and interactive. The design should be such that users make the least number of mistakes while entering the details in the forms.

Global Transport HTML website template satisfies these conditions. This is a premium website template that comes with a package of web pages specially designed for the development of a mobile app. Once you customize it according to your venture, your business app is ready.

Specially Designed for Mobile Devices

This is a premium website template designed for mobile devices. The fonts are readable on small screen sizes and the CTA buttons are easily clickable by your thumb. The navigation is made simple with a single menu button. After you click it, a list of tabs will fall at your feet like a rolled-out carpet.

Single Page Design with Swipe Animations

Most features of the template are right there on the single long home page which you can access by easy scrolling. This page is to impress your visitors by adding the bestselling highlights of your business. With every scroll, they should come one step nearer to getting converted into a loyal customer. In the news section, you can swipe left to go through top headlines.

Bottom Navigation Buttons

Delight your visitors with single click super-fast navigation buttons. For quick navigations, add priority buttons at the bottom of your screen like a panel. One-click will land you on the page you want in an instant.

The advantage of this premium HTML website template over the conventional ones is that you will not have to juggle around to maintain continuity throughout your site in terms of its design. This template consists of all the pages you need.

Appointment Form

Make it easy for the clients and customers to connect with you. The appointment form in this template has only six entries, a box to type in the issue, and a dropdown for selecting amongst the types of services you are offering. This makes the process quicker. From there onwards you can take ahead the conversation the way you like.

Landing Page

With this landing page, you always get a high possibility of a fruitful conversion rate. Why? The instant you open it, you will see a form to get a free moving quote. The first question for any visitor landing on your site is ‘how much will it cost?’ and you are giving the answer right away! As you scroll through the landing page, it summarizes your services, projects, team, pricing, and some exciting numbers.

Blog Page

The simplest blog page layouts are usually the most attractive. This page shows a featured image for every blog post along with the title, a snippet of text and a ‘Read More’ button to take you to the single blog page. Easily readable and eye-pleasing font style gives a relaxing experience to the readers.    

eCommerce Page

Rather than a page, it should be called a comprehensive package to build your own eCommerce store. From the listings of different categories, products with their prices, attractive discounts, ratings, and more. The individual page gives a complete idea about the product with its images, description, discount offers, and many other options.

Pricing Table

Pricing Table has three cards optimized such that only one is visible at an instant. This makes every detail of your services displayed clearly. The cards can be swiped across the screen to compare the pricing. Not only this. The tables are so concise and simple that users can just glance through them and make a quick decision. And rightly, the price has the biggest font as this is the first thing the users want to see.

Sign Up & Sign In

Mobile friendly sign up and sign in forms make it possible for anyone to register to your website even when they are one the way to their work. Sign In form also have Facebook and Google options if anyone does not wish to create a fresh account. For those who want an individual account, getting it is as easy as drinking a glass of water. The form has four simple entries and a ‘sign up’ button.

Timeline Page

Show chronology of events that took place in establishing your firm or blueprint of your future using this offbeat timeline page. Each event point is like one page of a diary. As you swipe left new page is opened with a new year. This sequence type design clearly helps to tell your story in the most captivating way possible.

FAQ Page

Hit the bullseye by framing the right questions on this FAQ page. The visitors can get brief answers when clicked on the dropdown arrow. You can also divide the questions into sections as done in the demo.

The complete package comes with more than 14 pages. You can download them in two different plans. Freedom and Extended. Each plan comes with a specific set of pages.

Compare them, discuss with your teammates and make a smart choice.

Download our templates and have fun building your website.

Pages Available :

  • Home
  • About
  • Transport
  • Gallery
  • Landing Page
  • Details
  • Team & Team Single
  • FAQ
  • Projects
  • Timeline
  • 404
  • Coming Soon
  • Blog & Blog Single
  • Login & Sign up
  • Contact
  • eCommerce Page

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Global Transport an Autos & Transport Category Responsive Web Template.
  • License: Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Unsplash

Images by Pexels

Pharmaceuticals Photo of Pharma


Travelling Website Template

A travel website template should be lightweight enough even after supporting high-resolution pictures. Our developers have kept this at the top of their priority while designing the ‘Travelling’ HTML website template.

This is a premium website template for travel agencies, adventure parks, tourism companies, holiday planners, and tour operators. With some adjustments, you can also use it for cruise companies, outdoor trip organizers, mountaineering groups, and traveling event organizers.

Can you recollect the best trips you have had in your life? Haven’t you felt fulfilled after taking them?

That how your visitors should feel after coming to your website. With ‘Travelling’, every page of your website is full of life.

Travel Website Template with an Attractive Portfolio

The only way you can make your website engaging is by displaying exceptional pictures of your previous tours. Beautiful mountains, serene lakes, and smiling faces put a fleeting impression on your visitors. Your travel portfolio is like a magazine that will entice your visitors to be a part of your adventure.

Carousel Slideshow with Punchy Spring Animation

Subtle dynamism always makes your website attractive. Punchy spring animations add life to the otherwise an old-fashioned slideshow. This gives an energetic beginning to your site and a great welcome to your visitors making them excited about their trip. Try it yourself by clicking on the demo.

Call Me Back Form

Just after the slideshow, there is a form for your visitors to enter their details about their future trip plans. This is the ‘call me back’ form because you can directly call them and discuss their plans. This strategy takes your approach one level up.

Customize as per your needs

The best part of this premium website template is its customizability. And you need not be an expert web designer to do that. Just a few drag and drop operations in our website editor will help you achieve your desired look.

The advantage of this HTML website template over other traditional ones is that you will not have to struggle to maintain uniformity throughout your site. This template consists of all the pages you need.


Online business is all about branding. Once you build your brand, you can sell cool merchandise through an eCommerce store. The template includes an eCommerce store page to display every product with the ratings. There is also a single product page with a feature to add different pictures along with a cart. That is all you need to build a complete eCommerce store, isn’t it?

Email Template

The email template looks like a prototype version of the website. And, that’s why it helps you to convey the highlights of your business in a concise email without sleeping out the readers. The action buttons are rightly placed prompting the reader to click on them. An email newsletter like this, announcing your latest packages can boost conversion rates.

Pricing Packages

Creating a pricing package page is a laborious task as it includes tables with rows and columns. The text needs to be in alignment and the details should not be confusing to read. But, with this structured page, you save a lot of time. You only need to edit the text, and your pricing plan is ready.   


Show your story instead of telling. The timeline widget is completely unflashy and lets you put a compelling story about your journey on starting your business. Highlight your crucial stepping stones through the marking points. And at the end of the timeline, you can also add one or two points about your future goals as well.


Any questions your users have, take them to the FAQ page. Unlike a conventional FAQ page with long answers forcing the visitors to scroll down until they find their answers, this one here is user-friendly. It has a dropdown arrow beside every question. Users who are looking for relevant answers can click on those arrows and read them. This certainly saves a lot of time.

Search Results

One way of making your website interactive is the search page. When your site is packed with content and navigating to specific information is almost impossible, the search page comes to the rescue. Remember one thing. When you value the time of your visitors, they will value you.

404 Error

Broken links can harm your organic traffic. And, a default 404 page instantly turns off your visitors. But, this 404-page template is as exotic as any fantastic travel destination. There is no chance that your audience will shy away from it. In fact, with a call to action button directing to the home page, you can drive visitors back to your site.

Coming Soon

Launching a new holiday package? Use this coming soon page template. Don’t let users go away just like that after they have landed on this page. Ask their email id. Once your launch date approaches, send them a reminder about it. This way they will not only feel cared for, but there are also more chances that they would take interest in your package.

The complete package comes with a total of 21 pages. You can download them in two different plans. Freedom and Extended. Each plan comes with a specific set of pages.

Compare them, discuss with your teammates and make a smart choice.

Download our templates and have fun building your website.

Pages Available :

  • Home
  • About
  • Services
  • Contact
  • Blog
  • Blog Single
  • Gallery
  • Team Single
  • FAQ
  • Portfolio
  • Portfolio Single
  • Timeline
  • Search Results
  • Email Template
  • 404
  • Coming Soon
  • Sign in
  • Sign up
  • eCommerce
  • eCommerce Single
  • Pricing Form


  • Clean and Modern Design
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Very Easy to Customize
  • Beautiful Images
  • Fixed Header
  • Awesome Gallery Style
  • Advance Contact form
  • 20+ HTML Files
  • Used Font Awesome Icons
  • Search Results – Customer can search for the tour by keyword
  • Excellent Blog Layouts
  • Supports Multiple Browsers and Much More…
  • Template Name: Travelling a Travel Category Responsive Web Template.
  • License: Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Pexels

Images by Pixabay

Images by Picjumbo


Franchisor Website Template

Franchisor is bold, vivid and the most optimized business websites template for a corporate startup. The layout is smartly designed giving a concise structure like a corporate presentation. But that does not mean it is as plain as your business proposals, whitepapers or technical product descriptions. The template plays around stylishly within its space making a statement that while we work in a disciplined corporate hierarchy, we must enjoy our freedom and creativity. 

Delicate color palette. 

With minimal colors bringing it to life, each one has its significance. White gives a corporate look, and bright blue adds swank. The black and grey text over white body background gives good readability. 

Wide images overlaid by text.  

It’s a smart idea to use the wide rectangular images to bring the peculiarities of your business to the spotlight. The template comprises all the pages required for you to build a complete website. 

Email Template

Log out yourself from the conventional method of promoting your business like an election campaign. It’s time to build personal relations with your clients or customers. Email a personal newsletter using this template and build your trust value. Add your impressive team bio in the grids and make use of CTA buttons to increase traffic on your website.

eCommerce Page

Jump into the pool of online customers and swim through the marketplace to grab more customers. With this easy to understand eCommerce page, display your products with brief descriptions and sharp images. As your customers shop online, they can constantly see an updated cart right in front of them.


Rather than typing out long paragraphs that take ages to read, use this timeline and make the story visually engaging. Now, the attention span of internet users has shortened drastically. Their eyes are constantly moving like a jumping monkey. But this timeline page will make them stop and read the things.

Do’s and Don’t

This is one unique feature of this template. How many times has it happened with you that It can serve as a short guide on how to use your product? If you provide services related to banking, law, education, the do’s and don’ts can help your clients to stay safe from malfunctions and miscreants in the industry.


Numbers are the best ways to impress first-time visitors. And what can be better if these numbers become a part of your website design? Present on the home page, the analytics section is supported by a block of content. Connect it to your blog with insightful information.


Turbocharge the curiosity levels of your visitors by using this countdown page. Be it launching a new product, service, app or website, this template offers you decent space to add a catchy tag line. If that is not enough, you can also energize the customizable background with an intriguing image.

Apart from these pages, the template comes with an exhaustive collection of pages for all types of purposes. You can adjust each page according to your business needs.

This template has a definite set of pages. And if you like it, don’t forget to make a mention of w3layouts to your friends. 

Pages Available :

  • Home
  • About
  • Services
  • Contact
  • Blog
  • Blog Single
  • Gallery
  • Team Single
  • FAQ
  • Portfolio
  • Portfolio Single
  • Timeline
  • Search Results
  • Email Template
  • 404
  • Coming Soon
  • Sign in
  • Sign up
  • eCommerce
  • eCommerce Single
  • Pricing Form


  • Clean and Professional Design 
  • 100% Responsive & Mobile Friendly 
  • Very Easy to Customize 
  • Ready to use Website Premium 
  • Attractive Image 
  • Sticky Header 
  • Responsive Design & Mobile-Optimized 
  • Advanced Contact Form 
  • Beautiful Gallery & Blog Post Layouts  
  • 21+ Html Files 
  • Used font Awesome Icons 
  • Super Support and much more 
  • Template Name: Franchisor Corporate Category Responsive Web Template.
  • License:  Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Pexels

Images by Pixabay


Relaxant Website Template

Today, the hospitality industry is flooded with a wide range of service providers. Everyone is fighting hard to give the best possible services to their customers. If you are into this business, the first point of contact with your customer is your website. An impressive website that is easy for your users to navigate will surely work for your favor.

Relaxant is a complete website template best suitable for your hospitality business. An editor ready template for Luxury Hotels, Motels, Clubs, Restaurants, Resorts, Lodging, Event Venues, and anything in the hospitality and travel industry. 

Style is what it takes…

Drowned in the coolness of exotic wide banners, refreshing pictures, Relaxant works as your complete branding package. Glorious looking masthead comprises of the specific ‘call to action’ buttons and a slide show of your services. Dynamic animations enhance the energy level and a vibe of positive energy oozes out of the screen. 

Comfort served on the template… 

Comfort is always at the top of the hospitality industry. Understanding this aspect, we have put our heart and soul to make this template as calm as possible to your eyes by avoiding any vibrant tones. Not limited to only visual comfort, the template also gives you a breezy experience of browsing due to its awesome responsiveness. 

Structured layout for a well-organized business…  

Take extreme care that your customers don’t struggle to find what they are looking for. Their walk through your website should be like skating over the ice. Sleek! Any discomfort in finding the right information will lead to users running away from your site. In the online world, if there is no traffic, there is no business. 

Customizing this template is as easy as slicing butter. The template comes with a bunch of additional pages that will constantly maintain uniformity of style throughout your site as your user keeps surfing through it. Let us see some of the pages the package includes. 

Email Template

Connecting your customers or clients online is all about keeping them regularly updated. A potful of research has proved that sending regular emails to your audiences is an excellent strategy. Relaxant comes with a ready to edit, responsive email template. A thrilling upcoming event, exciting discount on a buffet, festive offers, or any latest happening in your business, convey your message with ease to your audience.  

For that matter, you can also make use of the buttons on the email template to increase the engagement ratio of your audience. 

Book Now From

Including a dedicated booking form on your website can boost your sales remarkably. If you have a convention hall in your hotel, an attractive looking booking form can make it easy for your prospective clients to book it for a special occasion before they miss the date. You can also use the booking form to facilitate customers to book a dining table for a romantic date or a cherishing family gets together. But, keep one thing in mind. Don’t cram in too many details. Keep it simple!

Launching Soon

It’s been a while that you bought a domain, but in the process of adding details to your website, and making it the most perfect, you are delaying the launch. During this, you may post a boring message as ‘site under construction’. But you can use this opportunity to get the immediate attention of organic traffic coming your way. Trigger a wave of curiosity by using a good-looking ‘Coming Soon’ or ‘Launching Soon’ page available in this template.    

Make use of the timer widget on the page to keep up with the heartbeats of your audience. Not creative enough? Add a catchy tagline to your coming soon page and compel the visitors to bookmark the site. 

Customized Timeline

A fantastic feature to keep your website always in action. A customized template helps you to keep your fans, clients, customers, and audiences informed about the latest developments in your business. This will bring transparency and generate a trust value. And, as you know, all businesses run on trust! 

Pricing Table

Let the visitors know about your affordable pricing plans for rooms of your hotels, hourly rates for your convention hall, by using the pricing table. If you have multiple plans to offer, a set of three tables will help you to display your prices. Let the visitors compare them and make their choice by using animated buttons.   

Error 404

Retain the exotic feel even when your visitors click a wrong link, or if some page has been removed from the site. Write a catchy line, add a ‘Home’ CTA button and insert a chill-out landscape in the background to make the 404 pages as interesting as ever. The ‘Home’ button increases the interactivity and keeps your audience engaged. 


A most important page on the website to keep in touch with your loyal audiences. The signup page in the template is not very flashy, but lively enough to be liked by your target audience. There is a provision to add a nice encouraging statement just before your audience decides to enter a new realm with you. 

The complete package comes with a total of 22 pages and three plans, Starter, Liberty, and Freedom. Each plan comes with a specific set of pages and it totally on you and your enterprise which plans you opt for. 

Compare them, discuss with your teammates and make a smart choice! 

Download our templates and have fun!  

Pages Available:

  • Home
  • About
  • Services & Service Single
  • Contact
  • Rooms
  • Blog & Blog Single
  • Gallery
  • Team & Team Single
  • Booking Form
  • Rates & Packages
  • Select Room
  • FAQ
  • Portfolio & Portfolio Single
  • Timeline
  • Search Result
  • Email Template
  • 404
  • Coming Soon
  • Sign in & Sign up


  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Unique look & quality
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • 23+ HTML Pages
  • Easy to Customize
  • Used Font Awesome Icons
  • Attractive Images
  • Compatible with all Browsers
  • Awesome Unique Look
  • Smooth Transitions Effects
  • Email Template
  • Working Contact Form
  • Google Location Map

Template Information:

  • Template Name: Relaxant a Hotels and Restaurants Category Web Template.
  • License: Freedom Licence.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Images by Unsplash

Images by Pexels


Candy Error Page Web Element

This error page is our exclusive offering for websites of toy stores, kids’ clothing shops, bakeries, playschools, chocolate companies, and entertainment parks.

Whenever there is an error on any website you are surfing, hasn’t it happened with you that you are suddenly taken aback by an out of order error page?  

This will not happen to your visitors after you use the Candy 404 error page template. It will maintain the style of your website consistently.

The vibrant punch comes from a colorful picture of a swirl candy stick against the innocent pink background. And, with a flat and clean canvas, your visitors will stay far away from the visual clutter. 

Here are some of its amazing features, 

Cool CSS3 Animations 

The digit 404 shows simple animations along with variations in colors. They add to the creative element of your website design and do not let the visitors leave your site. And, if you doubt that this animation will increase the loading time, then be assured that it’s never going to happen. Its highlights are minimalism and lightweight. 

Home button 

Below the sleekly dancing 404, is a ‘Go To Home’ button. The text written on the button gives clear instructions to the users. No confusion. Clicking this, they can come back to your site who otherwise would have lost and bounce. This also leads to an increase in loyal traction. 

Fully Responsive  

For every screen size, this page will adjust its orientation. Soon, mobile visitors will increase on your site and you must be prepared with every page being mobile-friendly. Desktop or laptop browsing will be out of trend. 

Other Features 

  • Easy to Customize 
  • Used Font awesome icons 
  • Used Google Fonts 
  • HTML5 & CSS3 
  • Clear and Clean Text Boxes 

Click the download button at the top and install this page on your website! 

Please keep backlink to, if you are downloading the template for free. If you are using the website template for commercial purpose consider buying a Liberty License.

Design by <a href=""></a>
  • Template Name: Candy Error Page a Responsive Web Element.
  • License: Starter License and Liberty License.
  • Compatible Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10, Opera, etc.
  • Source Files included: HTML files (.html), Style Sheets (.css), Images (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery plugins (.js), Fonts (.ttf).
  • High Resolution: Yes.

Plugins Used

  • Tilting Numbers – 404

Image by Pexels